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- pronet.device/--Overview--
- pronet.device/OpenDevice
- pronet.device/CMD_WRITE
- pronet.device/ReceivedData
- pronet.device/GetConfigString
- pronet.device/FreeConfigString
- pronet.device/--Overview-- pronet.device/--Overview--
- This AutoDoc is a slightly extended version of V1 to include the
- differences in ProNET V2.
- ProNET.device is able to connect machines for transfering data between
- them. For the transfer, you must select a so-called PORT number, which
- must be specified at device opening time, and when sending data to the
- corresponding port at the other machine, only the application that has this
- number will receive the data. If the destination port doesn't exist on the
- other Amiga, the data will be buffered and will be sent at once when an
- application opens this port.
- What is new in V1, you must supply a Unit number, which corresponds to a
- certain hardware interface.
- This device differs from most other devices in so far as the command
- CMD_READ is not recognized at all. Instead, every chunk of data arriving
- at your port will be sent to a MessagePort you also specified at opening
- time, no matter if you want it or not. This message must be ReplyMsg()ed
- after evaluating the data.
- The configuration of the device and applications using it is done by the
- file DEVS:ProNET.config. It is built as follows:
- title data or
- ; Comment
- 'title' is a string ending with a colon (':'), and 'data' may be
- any string which can be got using the #?ConfigString-Functions.
- Please note that the other side can reset at any time and restart sending
- packets. So prepare your applications for it if required -- e.g.
- installing a Keyboard ResetHandler or similar notification algorithms.
- pronet.device/OpenDevice pronet.device/OpenDevice
- OpenDevice -- a request to open a ProNET port
- error = OpenDevice("pronet.device", unit, PNRequest, flags )
- d0 a0 d0 a1 d1
- Some components of the PNRequest structure must be filled in before
- calling OpenDevice:
- pnr_MsgPort Pointer to a Message Port where incoming
- data is sent to.
- pnr_NetSourcePort Put your port number here. 0 is reserved
- for the pronet-handler/-server stuff.
- These two values MUST remain until closing the device.
- -1 in pnr_NetSourcePort has a special meaning: The port number
- will be taken from the ProNET.config file. pnr_Data1 must then
- point to the title string introducing the line. The first number
- in the data string will then be used as the port number. If the
- configuration file is incomplete, the device will return
- PNDERR_BADCONFIG! The title string must include the `:'!
- -1 is also defined as PNP_NAME.
- -2 in pnr_NetSourcePort also has a special meaning: The device
- takes the next free portnumber.
- The new portnumber will then be put in pnr_NetSourcePort.
- -2 is also defined as PNP_NEXTFREE.
- "pronet.device" a pointer to the name of the device to be opened.
- May be another device as well as long as it emulates
- the original !!
- unit An unsigned long number which will be associated
- with a certain `pronet.config' line.
- PNRequest a pointer to a PNRequest block
- flags unused and should be set to 0 !!
- error 0 --> opening OK.
- PNDERR_BADCONFIG - see descr. of pnr_NetSourcePort
- PNDERR_PORTEXISTS - port number is already allocated
- PNDERR_DRIVERTROUBLE - specified driver couldn't open
- pronet.device/CMD_WRITE pronet.device/CMD_WRITE
- CMD_WRITE -- send data to the other Amiga
- (also PND_WRITE)
- Sends the data specified in the PNRequest structure as soon as
- possible to other machine.
- The data consists of the second chunk appended to the first one.
- Both chunks added must NOT be longer than $4000 / 16K bytes !!
- If the destination port doesn't exist on the remote machine, it
- will be buffered there until the port is opened. The data will
- be then sent in the order it was sent off.
- io_Command CMD_WRITE / PND_WRITE
- pnr_NetDestPort Destination port number
- pnr_Data1 Pointer to first chunk
- pnr_Length1 Length of first chunk
- pnr_Data2 Pointer to second chunk
- pnr_Length2 Length of second chunk
- If you just want to transfer one chunk, set pnr_Length2 to zero.
- io_Error always zero.
- Until now, the machine is freezed while sending. (Bug?)
- I-M-P-O-R-T-A-N-T:
- Maximum length is 16K !!
- Both lengths are rounded up to word boundaries.
- Besides that, the contents of the PNRequest will not be changed !
- pronet.device/ReceivedData pronet.device/ReceivedData
- Received Data will be sent to the Message Port you specified when you
- opened 'pronet.device'. The data part starts behind the Message structure.
- It first contains the source port as one word, then the real data. Besides
- that, MN_LENGTH contains the length of the data including the source port
- word, and the first word of the LN_NAME pointer contains the destination
- port number (which shouldn't be of any use at all..)
- After evaluation of the message, it should be replied.
- pronet.device/GetConfigString pronet.device/GetConfigString
- GetConfigString -- get string out of DEVS:ProNET.config
- configstr = GetConfigString(titlestring);
- D0 A0
- APTR GetConfigString(char *);
- Returns the data string corresponding to the title string.
- Must be released by FreeConfigString().
- titlestring Pointer to null-terminated string. Usually ending
- with a colon (':').
- configstr Pointer to null-terminated string or NULL.
- FreeConfigString()
- pronet.device/FreeConfigString pronet.device/FreeConfigString
- FreeConfigString -- free string got by GetConfigString()
- FreeConfigString(configstring);
- A0
- FreeConfigString(char *);
- Frees memory used by the string got by GetConfigString().
- configstring Pointer to string got by GetConfigString().
- GetConfigString()